Five 100% Caffeine-Free Teas You Should
Know About
Have you ever had to convince yourself to not enjoy a cup of tea because you knew it would keep you up later than you′d like? Even though tea always sounds great, the caffeine doesn′t. Thankfully, caffeine-free teas exist and are waiting for you to find them.
This is one of the beauties of tea: it′s diverse enough to be enjoyed early in the morning and late at night (take that, coffee!). All you have to do is know your caffeine-free options, find that one that fits your preferences, and brew it up.
A Note About Decaffeinated Tea
Unfortunately, decaffeinate tea isn′t necessarily caffeine-free. The camellia sinensis plant′s leaves make up all the pure tea types (black, green, yellow, oolong, white). These leaves naturally have caffeine in them, so they have to undergo a decaffeination process.
This process removes 97-99% of the leave′s caffeine, but a small amount remains - often only 1-2 mg.
While this amount of caffeine probably won′t leave you lying awake at night, it can still cause problems if you are particularly sensitive to caffeine.
To be safe, there are plenty of 100% caffeine-free tea options that aren′t made of leaves from the camellia sinensis plant. Here are some of our favorites.
Caffeine-Free Teas
Flowers, herbs, and roots make up the herbal tea category. Some herbal teas have caffeine, such as yerba matte, but most are 100% caffeine-free from the start - no decaffeination process necessary.
Not only will these teas not keep you up when you′re ready to sleep, but they all have additional health benefits. A couple of them even help you fall asleep!
This herbal tea is smooth, soothing, and one of the world′s favorite caffeine-free teas. When high quality flowers are used, the brewed tea often has a creamy body, gentle citrus note, and vivid floral aftertaste.
The flowers of daisy-like Chamomile plants have been used for centuries as an herbal remedy for everything from emotional turmoil to muscle spasms, though the most common use of chamomile tea is to soothe, relax, and aid in sleep.
The effects of chamomile tea on insomnia and poor sleep are now well documented, making this tea a winner when it comes to guiltless bedtime drinking.
Sometimes called ″Red Bush Tea″ or ″African Red Tea″, rooibos tea is made from the dried leaves of the Rooibos bush, which is native to South Africa. This tea was originally popularized in the 1700′s when Dutch settlers began to favor it over expensive imported tea, though commercial trade of rooibos didn′t explode until the 1930′s.
There are two types of rooibos tea: red and green.
Red rooibos leaves are processed similarly to black tea. They are harvested, bruised, cut, and left to oxidize. This method produces a rich fruity flavor and a refreshing sweetness.
Green rooibos leaves are minimally processed, similarly to green tea. The leaves are harvested, then steamed immediately to halt oxidation. This method produces an earthy, herbaceous, and minerally flavor.
Cymbopogon, more commonly known as lemongrass, is a key flavor contributor to the cuisine of many tropical regions. You′ll easily find these thick grass blades in Thai, Caribbean, and East African cuisine.
Lemongrass makes a fine caffeine-free tea as well, featuring a mild citrus flavor and floral aftertaste. It′s so refreshing that this tea is enjoyed regularly across the world, from Ecuador to India to Australia.
If you like rich and crisp flavors, look no further than hibiscus tea. These flower sepals are not only bright in color, but also in taste.
Hibiscus tea boasts sweet fruity and floral notes, but the characteristic that everyone remembers is the robust tartness that encircles the entire experience. It′s vivid, it′s refreshing, and it′ll keep your taste buds on edge.
Though most people drink hibiscus tea hot, it also tastes delicious on ice, making it suitable for year-round enjoyment.
Peppermint leaves make for a great caffeine-free tea. The brewed liquid is cool, refreshing, and gently sweet. It pairs particularly well with other teas, but shines no less on its own.
Peppermint is a natural hybrid of the spearmint and watermint plants. Though native to Europe and the Middle East, peppermint is now grown and enjoyed all over the world as a flavoring agent in foods and drinks.
The leave′s natural menthol oil is known to aid digestion and reduce irritable bowel syndrome, and the aroma of peppermint alone can relieve headaches and reduce stress.
Though these caffeine-free teas don′t come from the beloved camellia sinensis plant, they are no less delicious and enjoyable. They come with their own flavors and health benefits and are worthy to be explored.
Connecting you to tea that suits your unique preferences and needs is what we′re about. If you′d like to see how 100% caffeine-free teas can blend into and improve your lifestyle, check out our tea samples.