High Mountain Oolong Light Roast

Regular price $15.00
***Sourcing our High Mountain Oolong from small farmers in Taiwan, we are reliant on mother nature and the traditional methods of harvesting and drying the purest Camellia sinensis plants.
Indeed, all of our fresh stocks have been sold out. Due to the perfect seasonal and meteorological conditions needed to create this iconic te blend, we will be short supplied until approximately mid-may.
We are sure that you will understand the capriciousness nature of this tea and will be glad to take a look at similar available teas from Teamatica!***
Originating from Taiwan, High Mountain Oolong Light Roast tea can be a perfect day to day beverage with a universally appealing flavour and bouquet. Light caramel notes with a slight emphasis on stone fruits scents with a honey afterbite, this casual beverage can be an excellent opportunity to savour at work.
- Light caramel notes - Honey afterbite - Stone fruits scent
Creating a very interesting afterbite when ingested with lean meats, this combination of lighter flavours with a fruity scent can be a great accompaniment to any toothsome dinner.
Caffeine - Medium
Growing altitudes - 8200 - 8500 (ft)
Ideal Brewing Temperature - 200 °F
Oxidation level - Medium
Premium Grade
The right way to steep High Mountain Oolong Light Roast tea
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