Lapsang Souchong

Regular price $14.00
Originating from the Chinese south-eastern Fujian province, Lapsang Souchong tea is a perpetual classic awaiting your recognition and enjoyment. The lightly to robustly smoked flavour comes from its leaves being traditionally smoke-dried over pinewood fires, giving it its distinct whiskey-like feel. Its rich taste, pinewood aroma and golden colour were fostered over generation throughout the world.
- Whiskey-like feel - Smoked flavour - Classic Lapsang Souchong flavour
An ideal combination of profound and visceral flavours recognized by entities such as the Royal courts of Europe and Sir Winston Churchill, Lapsang Souchong, can be adored in any complex or unpretentious moment of the day enabling the disclosure of truthful sentiments and emotions.
Caffeine - Low
Growing altitudes - 5000 - 16000 (ft)
Ideal Brewing Temperature - 200 °F
Oxidation level - High
Premium Grade
The right way to steep Lapsang Souchong tea
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