3 Oolong teas

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1 tin of Charcoal Roasted Oolong tea (50 g)
1 tin of Honey Dark Oolong tea (50 g)
1 tin of Alishan Championship Grade Oolong tea (50 g)
This set is a great way to save money on the teas you love from Teamatica. Also, this set can become a wonderful gift for a person familiar with the market of premium and truly excellent teas.
Charcoal Roasted Oolong tea description
Originating from Taiwan, Charcoal Roasted Oolong tea is a mature yet aerial tea that combines savoury and sweet notes all at the same time. Giving a floral, nutty and honey gustation, this mesmerizing tea benefits of all numerous boons of a carefully grown oolong tea.
- Floral - Nutty - Honey notes
Especially palatable during late-night gatherings and banquets, swig a mouthful of this exceptional beverage with relish and become a true connoisseur in the premium tea segment.
Caffeine - Medium
Growing altitudes - 8200 - 8500 (ft)
Ideal Brewing Temperature - 200 °F
Oxidation level - Medium
Premium Grade
Alishan Oolong tea description
Originating from Taiwan, Alishan Oolong tea is a renowned beverage cultivated in the Ali Shan mountain region. Mastering multiple balmy flavours, this tea features floral flavours alongside lighter caramel and champaign notes.
- Caramel - Floral - Champaign
Outstandingly disembosoming with any dulcet food, partake those incredible flavours with any apricot or caramel desserts.